Examples of Computer Security

Examples of Computer Security

There are several types of computer security, but a good example is physical security. There are also different types of protection, such as firewalls, input validation, and parameter tampering.

Despite these differences, physical security is still the most common form of protection. Listed below are examples of computer security:

Physical security

It’s important for every organization to have a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy, and physical security is just as important. Often overlooked, human factors associated with physical security are the biggest threat, and organizations need to develop comprehensive operational procedures to protect data and personnel. By integrating physical security into your physical security plan, you will ensure that your company’s data and assets remain safe and secure.

Listed below are some ways to improve the security of your company.


Firewalls are used to protect your computer from unwanted access. These programs analyze the data packets that are passed through them and look for malicious code. Once identified, the program can either drop the data packet or block it completely. Both methods are highly effective for preventing unauthorized use of your computer. If your computer has a password, make sure it is secret. Hardware authentication devices are also effective ways to secure your computer against unauthorized users. Otherwise, unauthorized users can abuse your computer in any way they see fit.

Input validation

Input validation protects a computer from being attacked by unauthorized users. It can be as simple as a word or a string of characters, or as complex as a database. Safe input validation techniques prevent attackers from using such unsafe data. However, some inputs cannot be properly validated, resulting in a security issue. One such type of attack is a buffer overflow, which causes a computer to stop responding or store too much data. This type of attack can also result in the overwriting of memory.

Parameter tampering

Parameter tampering is a form of malicious hacking that allows an attacker to manipulate the value of a program parameter. These parameters are intended to provide security features by determining how an operation will be executed. If the attacker is able to manipulate one or more of these parameters, they can cause an application to behave in unexpected ways. This form of malicious hacking is often caused by failure to validate data integrity or a malicious intent. Other types of attacks that use this method include SQL injection and cross-site scripting. Using hidden fields to bypass security measures such as passwords is another common example.

Social engineering

One of the most common ways in which people use social engineering to obtain personal information is through impersonation. A person who posses themselves as an IT employee may install keyloggers on their employees’ computers and then patch together their data. Pretexting, which involves presenting a compelling story or pretext, is a common strategy used by social engineers to lure victims. Many of these scams are designed to scare users into providing personal information that they don’t actually have.


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