Types of Computer Graphics

There are many types of computer graphics. They can be divided by size, image, and interaction. Depending on what they are used for, computer graphics can be either depictions of something or the end result. Listed below are a few examples of each type of computer graphics. To learn more, check out our interactive computer graphics articles. And, if you haven’t already, check out our articles on 2D and 3D computer graphics.

Interactive computer graphics

An interactive computer graphics book includes new techniques and applications of this technology. It also discusses different approaches, evaluations, and methodologies used to create graphics. It’s an excellent resource for anyone seeking to learn about interactive computer graphics. Although there are many benefits to using interactive computer graphics, there are also many disadvantages. The primary downside is the increase in size of the webpage. Some users may experience problems loading interactive graphics, or they might … Continue reading >>>

Why Businesses Can Save Money, Time, and Resources Using CAD Workstations

Sadly, but unsurprisingly this reality is rarely ignored and those in positions of seniority often get caught up in deciding how to run a business using computer-based technology. This can lead to some shortfalls in productivity, less than stellar communication between departments, miss understanding requirements often leading to poor results, and lack of overall direction. In this article, we’ll look at some key benefits of computers in business and why they should be high on your list of priorities.


One of the main benefits of computers in business systems analysts is that you can save money. By running simple office applications using a computer instead of a dedicated system you will save a lot of money on office equipment, software, and other costs such as internet, electricity, maintenance, supplies, and personnel. Furthermore, when you go to buy your new hardware, it will be less expensive, especially if you are … Continue reading >>>

The Difference Between Computer Graphics and Animation

Computers and animation go hand in hand. It is quite obvious that computer animation is the future of animation. However, what is animation exactly? What do the words mean? What is computer graphics?

Animation is the visual art of producing a representation using computer hardware, software, and other media. Computer animation uses the medium of visual images to produce a three-dimensional (or “realistic”) representation of a subject, scene, or environment. While computer graphics are an offshoot of animation, they are often confused with it. Let’s take a look at the differences between computer graphics and animation.

The Differences

The key difference between computer graphics and animation is the technology used to create the image. While some computer-generated images can be completely computer-generated, many computer-animated images are still produced by hand. When a photographer creates a photo by placing a camera on a target, the shot is considered to be a … Continue reading >>>

The Gorgeous Scarlett Johansson

Make way for one of the world’s highest-paid actress, the one and only Scarlett Ingrid Johansson! Aged 34, she has been making movies for over twenty years now. Let me guess! It made you think about your age, right? Well, she was pushed out of the nest by a greedy momager at a very young age! It is said that she was born into a “money-challenged” in New York City in 1984. So, by the time she was 8, little Scarlett was dragged into endless auditions for TV shows, commercials and movies.

The Gorgeous Scarlett Johansson

Actions set things into motion, isn’t it? That’s why she grew up showing her high confidence level and knew that she wields a potent weapon! As she puts it, “Exploring things, you’ve never explored before” ….and then she had her first “real” boyfriend at the age of 14! We all know what she meant there. Let’s just skip the … Continue reading >>>

How Would You Like To Take Underwater Photographs?

An open water dive is one of the most sensational experiences you can have in a lifetime. You can let yourself impressed by amazing wildlife, unspeakable colours and surprising sounds of these underwater creatures. It comes without saying that such an experience will make you want to capture it somehow, in order to share it with others or to savour it over and over again. This means they need a camera. But what camera should you get and how do you use it to capture those precious underwater moments?

How Would You Like To Take Underwater Photographs?

Are You Looking To Buy A Camera?

Are diving and snorkelling part of your regular activities and hobbies? Do you think that you’ll have plenty of opportunities to use your camera? Perhaps you consider learning the art of diving from professionals, so that you can take this hobby to a new level. Or maybe you just want to create cool … Continue reading >>>