Just How Exactly Does Social Media Impact How We Shop?

From Facebook and Instagram to Twitter and more, the social media world has gone from just a way to talk to friends and family to full-blown research tools. Whether you’d like to see updates about your favourite businesses, see new trends, or learn what other consumers think about products, social media is where to do it all! And research now shows that some of the best social media campaigns revolve around video campaigns, such as those created by NRG Digital.

Just How Exactly Does Social Media Impact How We Shop?

Online Shopping Comes First

Online shopping is now the king of the hill. There’s nothing that can compete with lounging around and buying something you want or need with just one click before it shows up the very next day. Gracias Amazon!

Social media really has revamped how we shop on the Internet, because you don’t even have to leave a social media platform to do it thanks … Continue reading >>>

The Impact On Internet Freedom Of Major Copyright Changes

The Impact On Internet Freedom Of Major Copyright ChangesThe largest and potentially most contentious overhaul of copyright legislation has been passed by the European Parliament. When this legislation comes into action, it will be the largest change to internet regulations since the implementation of GDPR or the General Data Protection Regulation.

The copyright changes that have been passed are best known for the most controversial clauses in them. These are articles 11 and 13 which have created a major battle between the corporate lobbyists, freedom of expression groups and online activities.

What Does The Change Mean For The Internet?

Will You Be Able To Upload Content?

There has been a lot of emphases that the legislation will still allow people to upload content to the internet. However, technology firms such as Google have sent out warnings that they may have to automatically remove more content once this directive has been implemented.

This has to do with copyright and … Continue reading >>>

How To Cancel Out Stress With Reflexology

The realities of stress are starting to show up a lot more in a number of scientific studies such as the one in the American Medical Association which reported that stress in one of the factors in around 75% of every disease. Recent studies have even linked stress effects to weakening the heart-muscle.

How To Cancel Out Stress With Reflexology

Stress Effects On The Heart

In the August edition of 2004 of the GreatLife magazine, it gave a report on that Duke University Medical Center researchers based in Durham, N.C studied effects relating to stress on the heart in clinical trials which monitored how the heart reacted to common everyday events.

In the study, it was discovered that heightened feelings of sadness, anger, and stress in a person, the less their hearts were capable of responding effectively. It appeared that the pressure that was exerted on this organ caused by continual emotional downs and ups of stress … Continue reading >>>

How To Effectively Use Web Design With SEO

How To Effectively Use Web Design With SEOBuilding a professional website takes a lot more than nice images and pretty graphics. One of the main things to understand about design choices with your website is they can have a major impact upon your websites SEO.

Proper Web Design

A website that is driven by proper SEO is the perfect digital marketing strategy as it is going to drive a serious amount of traffic to your business and boost your overall income.

With any marketing design business, you need qualified staff to drive your digital strategy, StopGap can help with Marketing Director vacancies.

This article is designed to help you effortlessly incorporate SEO into your overall web design.

Integrated Social Media Into Your Website

Your customers are not the only want to enjoy social media, search engine places a great deal of value on social media platforms. This is why it is essential to integrate social media … Continue reading >>>

iMac Computer

With Spring comes the good news for all Apple lovers! The Latest iMac will soon be available. If you are waiting for the new release to change your computers, then the wait is almost over. The Apple company has not yet announced any dates but as per rumours, the release is for 2019.  You must have checked the design and images of the new iMac, right?

iMac Computer

More powerful, easy-to-use technology and elegant, all in one design. This is what the iMac is all about. The idea is to take it to the next level to give users great tools to do just anything. This new desktop from Apple is packed with the latest processors, faster memory and phenomenal graphics. The iMac bring to life the brightness and most vibrant Retina display ever existed on a Mac.

Retina Display

The Retina is available in stunning 4K or 5K that shines beautifully … Continue reading >>>