Walking through the toothbrush aisle on a store can be pretty overwhelming. You start off by having a look at some of the most basic manual toothbrushes and then you come up to an array of variety of some really eye catching electric toothbrushes. There are a lot of new technology gadgets and gifts for tech lovers in the name of electric toothbrushes. They are more than just toothbrushes as they come along with apps that educate your child and have much more to them.

A smart home where Zigbee vs Z-wave hubs is at its peak. Electric toothbrushes is a must have, and even for kids. Electric toothbrushes have gained a lot of popularity and appreciation over the passage of time. It is wonderful how they are capable of bringing the best and most effective outcomes for children of different ages. However if your kid is an orthodontic patient … Continue reading >>>

Why Women Don’t Go into Tech Fields

There are signs that things are getting better everywhere in terms of gender equality, and have been doing so for a long time. Yet many feel that things have slowed and that there are still plenty of barriers that prevent both men and women from achieving full equality. If you are one of those people… sorry. Equal opportunity is there for most men and woman in 1st world countries. However, one of the major areas of interest is that the world of tech still seems to be struggling to attract women. What everyone wants to know is; why? Are women naturally less inclined to be interested in tech or adept at the skills required? Or are they discouraged from aspiring to positions in tech, either from a young age or once they enter the workplace?

To look at some statistics, in 2017 only 20% of Google engineers were women, and … Continue reading >>>

Methods For Increasing followers On Spotify

Spotify is a social networking website for the music enthusiasts, who are in search of a network to showcase their talent to the world. It is a great platform that brings together different musicians and music belonging to different genres; along with connecting new artists with the world of music. Any emerging artist or a newbie can make a profile on Spotify and present his talent to the world. Being a new musician on Spotify if you are wondering, how to grow your Spotify following? Then there are a few methods that can help you in doing this.

Methods For Increasing followers On Spotify

Tips for increasing the Spotify following

  • Sharing of exclusive content- In order to get an unusual response, you need to be innovative and think out of the box. When you are deciding on an idea for a playlist, then be sure that the same idea hasn’t be shared by anyone on
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