Computer Components Inside the CPU

Computer Components Inside the CPU

Talking of the computer components inside the CPU, you would be completely amazed to know that almost one-third of the CPU is empty. It just looks that big. So if you ask me questions like if that is the case then why don’t they make the CPUs smaller in size? I simply won’t have an answer to that. But to be very honest the biggest computer components inside the CPU are the motherboard. Rest nothing is more than six to eight inches in size.

Easier Than You Think To Build A Computer Your Self

If you are planning to build a computer your self at home then it is actually easier than you think. The computer components that you need to get from the market are the CPU cabinet, mainboard, processor, and RAM based on the type of motherboard you are using, hard disk, an optical drive which can be … Continue reading >>>

Computer Components and Your PC Processor

Computer Components and Your PC Processor

When it comes to computer components, the processor is perhaps one of the least understood elements of a personal computer. Many of us are amazed at the latest processor technology and wonder how much computer manufacturers are able to bring the latest processors to the market at such low costs for most consumers. Processors are, of course, an important part of any computer system – but have you ever noticed how many of the newest computers with state of the art processors don’t seem to work any more efficiently than some older models?

Low Cost with New Processor Technology

There is a reason for the low cost with which manufacturers are able to bring new processor technology to market, and that reason also explains why faster processors don’t always translate into faster computer systems. The fact is that many companies produce some of their new computers with old computer components … Continue reading >>>