What Is a robot?

A robot is an automated machine that can perform tasks with little or no human assistance at a very high speed and is very proficient.

Evolution of robots

The first robot was made by George Devol in the year 1954 which was called Unimate. It was a commercial, programmable and digital robot which he later sold to General Motors and was used to lift very hot metals from die casting machines. Since then, robots have been constantly evolving leading to creation of different types with better artificial intelligence. Thanks to George Devol for inventing the first robot, we the future generation are having an easy time to get certain tasks done fast and proficiently.

Types of robots

  • Industrial robots.
  • Medical robots.
  • Domestic robots.
  • Military robots.
  • Autonomous robots.
  • Humanoid robots.
  • Collaborative robots.
1.Industrial robots.

These are robots that are used in industries. Examples are articulated, cartesian, cylindrical.

  • Articulated- they have
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