What You Need To Know About Driving In Europe After Brexit

What You Need To Know About Driving In Europe After BrexitBrexit will affect UK motorists who wish to drive in any of the EU countries in several ways; this article highlights the changes you must know about.

The changes to the regulations and laws around driving in Europe have a direct impact on driving lisences, driving permits, vehicle insurance policies and many other aspects that motorists will need to consider should they intend to drive on European roads after Brexit.

International Driving Permits

The Department for Transport has stated that in the event of the UK leaving the European Union without a deal, British motorists will be required to get their International Driving Permit (IDP) to be allowed to drive in the EU.
An IDP is nothing more than a translated variant of your actual driving license. It enables foreign officials to perform a quick check of your credentials. This permit costs £5.50 to buy and you can apply for … Continue reading >>>