The Gorgeous Scarlett Johansson

Make way for one of the world’s highest-paid actress, the one and only Scarlett Ingrid Johansson! Aged 34, she has been making movies for over twenty years now. Let me guess! It made you think about your age, right? Well, she was pushed out of the nest by a greedy momager at a very young age! It is said that she was born into a “money-challenged” in New York City in 1984. So, by the time she was 8, little Scarlett was dragged into endless auditions for TV shows, commercials and movies.

The Gorgeous Scarlett Johansson

Actions set things into motion, isn’t it? That’s why she grew up showing her high confidence level and knew that she wields a potent weapon! As she puts it, “Exploring things, you’ve never explored before” ….and then she had her first “real” boyfriend at the age of 14! We all know what she meant there. Let’s just skip the … Continue reading >>>

Make Money Management Easier

Isn’t everyone having a crisis with managing their personal financial business and tracking their mileage? We are at a time and age where money moves so fast, it comes and goes out of our hands in a pace we can barely attempt to control. For the most of us, we would need someone responsible enough to keep track of our spending and mileage. You can always do the manual and traditional and keep a log book to account your expenses and mileage on the daily, per transaction basis. Which might be a bit tedious, but it will get you what you need to see from your spending and mileage.

But of course, with the evolving times, the world is literally on the palm of our hands – but with transportation vehicle system providers it might be a little different from the usual. They always have to keep both hands on … Continue reading >>>