Designing Small Business Computer Network – What Should You Do?

Basically designing small, medium, or enterprise class computer networks are principally similar. You need to design your private network infrastructure to provide the availability and reliability of network resources; network security system to protect your network resources against any types of threats, and secure global communication system. Small business computer network should include these three aspects: the private network; the end-point security system for internet threats protection; and a secure way in providing system communication with global internet.

Designing Small Business Computer Network - What Should You Do?

For example, in your business network you need to provide database application to support your finance management, and an email server to support your business communication, you allow authorized users to connect via internet from homes, or probably you need to link other branch offices via WAN cloud connection. Dig as much information as possible before designing your small business network. The following lists some areas you probably need to implement in … Continue reading >>>

Computer Network – Overview

If you’ve ever used a telephone, tracked a package with an overnight shipper, or purchased a new car from a dealership, you’ve used a network. Of course, they weren’t computer networks-they were, respectively, the phone company’s switching network, the overnight shipper’s package-tracking network, and the car manufacturer’s distribution network. And although these networks move phone calls, packages, and cars instead of computer data, they are examples that explain the fundamental purpose of a network. The single most important purpose of any network-computer or otherwise-is to link similar items together using a set of rules that ensures reliable service.

Computer Network - Overview

In the telephone network’s case, the rules have to do with what happens when you dial a phone number based on how many digits you dial: If you dial seven digits, it’s a local call; eleven digits is a long-distance call. For the overnight shipper’s network, the rule is that your package … Continue reading >>>

The Process of Analytics and What it Does

Analytics refers to the interpretation, discovery, and overall communication of data patterns that have meaningful applications those patterns in a business’s decision making. It essentially applies statistics to recorded information to optimize the performance, sales, and operation aspects of a company. Analytics are gaining popularity in the business world with more and more companies using them for performance improvement. Analytics have a variety of special areas that benefit business. When using analytics, you are taking part of a threefold process.


Predictive Analytics uses aspects like data mining, machine learning, and other predictive models to anticipate future events. It can be used to assess trends for retail or predict the function of new ventures. Business use predictive analytics to appropriately plan for the future. As they can be very accurate, they can boost the success of decision making. They take numerous factors into account such as: customers, employees, patients, vehicles, … Continue reading >>>

How Software Programs are Helping Lawyers

Software programs were just introduced decades ago, but it has already changed the world at a grand level. Today, people are relying on their mobile applications and computer software programs for everything. It is no longer surprising that even lawyers have made their application, which is advertised as a lifesaver for every attorney on the go. The creation of these legal practice management software has been acclaimed by the professionals, saying that it will save them a lot of time, money and energy using the application which works as their digital secretary. These mobile applications can be downloaded presently on Android and iOS, and it claims that a lawyer’s productivity will be significantly increased if they choose to use these types of applications.

Lawyers and judges inside the courts know how these software applications work, and they concluded that using it would never harm one’s profession. As a result, many … Continue reading >>>

Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring Business Computer Consultants

Use an IT Newsletter to Pull In New Computer Consulting Clients on Automatic

With cellphone technology how it’s today, it can be entirely realistic to operate your enterprise from the pocket. Wind mobile offers “Always Shout” plans for people like me, who are required unlimited talking minutes in daytime for hashing out details with new and existing clients. Unlimited data allows me to remain connected and maintain lightning-fast email response times. All for about $70 CDN 30 days, taxes included. But it comes at a cost! When I’m outside my “Home Zone” (downtown Toronto), there is no service whatsoever. My clients can’t even leave me a message unless I pay for extra minutes on my small plan. But, at this point, I might too set myself on top of Rogers or Bell and have an iPhone.

– Now, to respond to the question about CBmall, can it really work

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