What Can a Freelance SEO Expert do for Your Business?

Many individuals believe that getting a website designed and uploaded is enough to increase their business and bring in more orders for their services or products. However, this is definitely not the case, because unless you’re website shows up within the top results of the important search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo, the site is going to be practically invisible and nobody will be able to find it when they type in a search query related to your business activities. To get your site up towards the top of the rankings you will need to optimise it for the search engines.

What Can a Freelance SEO Expert do for Your Business?

What is SEO?

Search engine optimisation, or SEO involves making sure that your site has the correct meta tags and descriptions so the search engine robots will know exactly what the site is about. You also need to build back links to the site, which are counted … Continue reading >>>