3D Printing within Your Reach

Imagine if 3D printing was available to everyone. And for a reasonable price. How comfortable it would be to simply print whatever artifacts that are needed on the fly. Imagine a world where whenever a need arises for a particular item, it is immediately satisfied. As a direct consequence of patents expiring in 2014 such reality is one step closer from becoming a status quo. The SLS printing companies are springing around like mushrooms after the life-giving rain. This, in line with the law of demand and supply drops the price of this type of 3D printers. It might be very well possible in the not so distant future to become financially viable having a 3D printer in a regular household. Thus making this technolog truly mainstream.

SLS machine cost, a company from Poland, created by previous Google and ABB employers has been constantly pushing the envelope since 2014. … Continue reading >>>