Office Occupancy Tracking for Queue Management

When we enter a brick-and-mortar store, we tend to expect both a convenient and immersive experience. However, waiting in long queues is something that will drive people out of your store, which is why you should do something about it.

As soon as you enter here, you will learn everything about queue management.

Generally, more than eighty percent of potential customers will avoid a particular store where they have to wait in line. That is why retailers wish to implement advanced and latest methods to create an effective queue management strategy and optimize store infrastructure.

One of the best ways to do it is by implementing people counting solution to your store’s infrastructure. We can all agree that since E-Commerce became a popular solution, numerous people started to avoid brick-and-mortar stores.

At the same time, other factors are responsible for the rise of E-commerce, including digital developments and government … Continue reading >>>