How to Build Your Own PC From Scratch

Before you begin building your PC, make sure you have plenty of light and an anti-static mat to prevent electrostatic discharges. A screwdriver is the most important tool to use during the PC building process, and you should have a variety on hand. A good screwdriver is essential for removing and installing hardware, and it’s worth investing in a set of different ones. After selecting a set of tools, it’s time to decide on a gaming PC.

Building a gaming PC from scratch

While there are many components of a home office PC, they are not necessarily necessary for gaming PCs. The motherboard, central processing unit, storage, memory, power supply, and case are all vital parts of any PC. A graphics processing unit or GPU is also necessary if you’re planning to do photo or video editing. But before you start building your gaming PC, consider these components. Depending on … Continue reading >>>