How To Cancel Out Stress With Reflexology

The realities of stress are starting to show up a lot more in a number of scientific studies such as the one in the American Medical Association which reported that stress in one of the factors in around 75% of every disease. Recent studies have even linked stress effects to weakening the heart-muscle.

How To Cancel Out Stress With Reflexology

Stress Effects On The Heart

In the August edition of 2004 of the GreatLife magazine, it gave a report on that Duke University Medical Center researchers based in Durham, N.C studied effects relating to stress on the heart in clinical trials which monitored how the heart reacted to common everyday events.

In the study, it was discovered that heightened feelings of sadness, anger, and stress in a person, the less their hearts were capable of responding effectively. It appeared that the pressure that was exerted on this organ caused by continual emotional downs and ups of stress … Continue reading >>>