The Importance of the Computer in the Workplace

The role of the computer in the workplace is not only limited to the management level, but it also extends beyond the cubicle. Employees can collaborate with their colleagues across the globe, while also benefiting middle management in many ways. Computers can reduce workplace injuries and boost productivity, for example. Here are a few ways computers improve the working environment:

Computers increase productivity

The first link in the chain seems to be holding up well. In the 1990s, labor productivity in computer-using sectors increased by 5.7 percent a year. Then the productivity trend turned negative. The U.S. manufacturing sector has recovered somewhat, but the third link appears to have a weaker impact. Computers, however, may have had other consequences. In any event, this study supports the belief that computers increase productivity in the workplace.

They allow employees to collaborate with colleagues across town or across the ocean

Traditionally, collaboration was a difficult task, requiring a lot of work and tedious calculations. With the development of computers, people have become much more connected in the modern world, with video conferencing replacing the need to travel to meet clients. Today, computers have made collaboration easier than ever. With the use of video conferencing, employees can collaborate with colleagues across town or across the world without having to worry about time differences or location.

They help middle-level management

The use of computers in the workplace has many benefits for middle-level management. They provide quick access to information, which is vital for decision-making at the middle level. Specifically, middle managers need information that is easily defined, such as the basic business functions, activities, and routine tasks. The people at the operational level are responsible for carrying out the more detailed tasks defined by middle management. By using computers in the workplace, managers can focus … Continue reading >>>