The Process of Analytics and What it Does

The Process of Analytics and What it Does

Analytics refers to the interpretation, discovery, and overall communication of data patterns that have meaningful applications those patterns in a business’s decision making. It essentially applies statistics to recorded information to optimize the performance, sales, and operation aspects of a company. Analytics are gaining popularity in the business world with more and more companies using them for performance improvement. Analytics have a variety of special areas that benefit business. When using analytics, you are taking part of a threefold process.


Predictive Analytics uses aspects like data mining, machine learning, and other predictive models to anticipate future events. It can be used to assess trends for retail or predict the function of new ventures. Business use predictive analytics to appropriately plan for the future. As they can be very accurate, they can boost the success of decision making. They take numerous factors into account such as: customers, employees, patients, vehicles, products, machines, and components. Predictive analytics is good for any business practice and can be beneficial to the start of any endeavor. From employee initiatives, to product launches, to consumer service having an accurate outcome already predicted can spell much success.

Descriptive Analytics

Descriptive Analytics looks more at the past than the future. They take all the data a business has generated and uses it to look at the changes the company has undergone. Such data is found in year-over-year price changes, month-to-month sales growth, number of users, increase or decrease in growth, and the total revenue of the company year-to-year. This allows companies to measure their performance, pinpoint problems, and log success. A great tool for strategizing optimization.

Prescriptive Analytics

Prescriptive analytics is the last phase of an analytics program. It prescribes the best course of action a business can take to optimize its performance. This is based off the results found in both descriptive and predictive analytics. Once a business’s history has been looked at, and the success of future endeavors hashed out the decision of what to do comes on the table. Analytics aids with that answer as well. It uses mathematics, algorithms, data analysis, and computational science to derive the best course of action to take. These suggestions are usually very accurate and pay attention to the companies industry specific presence.

Where to Find Analytics

Analytics software is mostly available online. Numerous companies offer analytics software for every specific niche. Some only offer one type, others offer the whole process. There are forums everywhere that rate them but the best place to look is on the website itself. Look up a developer like, and you can find everything you need to know. The exact focus of the analytics software, consumer testimonials, recommendations, pricing, and whatever else you are looking for.

Analytics are described as a must for most modern businesses. Most companies offering software are easy to use, simple to access, and the data they provide is solid. Data is key to analytics so the more that your company produces the better.

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